To rescue, foster, and place adoptable basset hounds in loving, permanent homes. To educate the community about responsible pet ownership including health maintenance, spay/neuter, and disease prevention.Basset Buddies Rescue has been instrumental in the rescue and re-homing of more than 2,300 Basset Hounds throughout Wisconsin since 2001.
BBR is a 501(c )(3) not-for-profit organization and all donations are used expressly for the welfare of the dogs and most are tax deductible (please contact your tax adviser for more information). Wisconsin law requires rescues to have a license. BBR’s license number is 270086-ds. Where our dogs live: Our BBR dogs are kept in foster homes throughout our service area until their family comes to get them. Our dedicated volunteers are trained to help them adjust to the changes in their life as well as evaluate them to determine the best type of home for them.
BBR serves Wisconsin and places its rescued hounds in foster and adoptive homes throughout the state.